Our company has specialized for years in renewable energy plants, especially Biogas and Bio-methane plants, we work abroad, unfortunately in Ukraine and we are now stuck with big losses ... In the past we started to deal with other alternative energies but the bureaucracy and difficult times to schedule in Italy made us give up. Now instead that the legislation has changed and for small plants there is no longer a need for complicated authorizations,  the regime is that of free construction, with important incentives, we believe that the mini-wind and solar market is in strong increase, of great utility to thousands of users who can finally become self-sufficient!


A source of clean, renewable and inexhaustible energy, wind energy is nothing more than the kinetic energy produced by the movement of air on the earth's surface, between high and low pressure areas, through a wind turbine, this energy is converted into electric energy! Through a good accumulation in batteries, we can guarantee energy even in the absence of wind.


Solar energy refers to the energy released by the Sun and transmitted to the Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation (light and heat). By directly exploiting this energy, through photovoltaic panels, for example, it is possible to obtain the production of electricity and heat; by storing it in batteries, we will be able to cope with the night period.


It is simply a matter of combining a wind turbine with photovoltaic panels, to take advantage of both the wind and the sun, all in a complete kit, simple to assemble with your electrician.

The kit includes the wind turbine with support pole, the photovoltaic panels, the mounting frame on the ground or on the roof, a hybrid controller, an appropriately sized battery storage system, an inverter, wiring and everything needed, excluding small foundations necessary.

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